Bamporeze Association (BA) is a family and child focused organisation which has been operating in Rwanda since 1996.

The idea of establishing Bamporeze was motivated by the unfortunate repercussions left by the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi where over 1 million people lost their lives, a significant number of people fled the country and others were charged and jailed due to the Genocide related crimes. This left a worrying number of vulnerable orphans, Widows and Widowers in dire need of humanitarian support and Psychological support. In an effort to combat those challenges, to advocate for child rights and to promote women empowerment, a group of christian women led by Rev. Jeanne d’Arc Muhongayire came together to create a non-profit organisation with the name Bamporeze.


Over the years, Bamporeze has been involved in several programs which aim at serving, supporting and empowering vulnerable members of the communities through transformative approaches of alleviating poverty and building resiliency. Initially Bamporeze focused on delivering humanitarian support entailing shelters, food support and basic need materials as the country was recovering from devastation left by the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Currently, Bamporeze has evolved and has extended its impact through multiple programs  which focuses on poverty alleviation, peace-building, advocacy for people with disabilities, people living with HIV, children from single parents, young mothers, men as well as other Marginalised groups who are often excluded from development with the purpose of empowering them for sustainability.

Target groups

  1. Orphans and other Vulnerable children (OVCs)
  2. Youth in and out of school
  3. Women
  4. People Living With HIV and AIDS
  5. Vulnerable families

Operating zone

Bamporeze recognizes that within the context of developing countries, vulnerability is common for rural and urban areas but at different extent. Special emphasis should be putted on rural areas given the limited access to information, services and support. However the principle of equity should apply in any Bamporeze’s intervention.
Bamporeze has operated in:
– Kigali City: Kicukiro &Nyarugenge Districts,
– Northern province: Burera, Gakenke, Musanze and Rulindo Districts) ,
– Western province : Ngororero, Nyabihu, Rubavu and Rutsiro Districts  and
– Eastern province: Bugesera and Kayonza districts.

Change process and strategies

Bamporeze understands that the change process should be people centered with participatory approach; context centered , based on local analysis of problems and opportunities existing within the community and Mindset centered that requires empowerment for behavior change rather than provision of vulnerable groups with material support to fulfill their basic needs.
Bamporeze intends to achieve the desirable change through direct poverty alleviation, civil society strengthening, empowerment of vulnerable groups, environmental protection and policy influencing to create a conducive environment enabling vulnerable and marginalized groups to fully participate in the national development and to fully enjoy their rights

  1. Orphans and other Vulnerable children (OVCs)
  2. Youth in and out of school
  3. Women
  4. People Living With HIV and AIDS
  5. Vulnerable families

Policies documents

  1. Child protection policy
  2. Anti-corruption policy
  3. Inclusive and sustainable development policy
  4. Organization Development Policy
  5. Apprenticeship , occupational work and training, internship and volunteering policy
  6. Administrative and financial procedures  manual
  7. Board of Directors  Manual
  8. Monitoring and Evaluation operational manual

Interventions domains​

 Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE)

  1. Basic Education
  2. Youth empowerment
  3. Women empowerment
  4. Community Health
  5. Food security  and Nutrition
  6. Water Sanitation and Hygiene
  7. Environment protection