The Overall project objective was to o build the capacity of households and the community to provide support improving the livelihood of OVC and youth and prevent the future vulnerability through minimum package where their needs and rights will be sustainably met.
Specific objectives were:
The trained mentors and caregivers will support OVC through home based OVC counselling; they will improve their lessening skills to OVC, and provide OVC with psychosocial support as well as material support. Through this, the community will take responsibility of taking care of its own OVC through the community-based mentorship approach. The support group committees, sector committee and umbrella committees will play a leading role in advocacy for OVC related issues.
In addition to ignorance of child rights, the situation of poverty prevailing within the child/female headed households does not allow the sibling to enjoy their rights to education, health, nutrition and shelter. By empowering them social economically and training them in child rights, basic nutrition skills, health insurance scheme HIV/AIDS, reproductive health and reproductive health they will be encouraged to use the income generated from organic farming related activities to improve child rights provision in terms of education, health, nutrition and shelter.
For their survival, OVC living in child headed households and female headed households are often involved in certain kinds of work which disturb education or health. Child headed households and female headed households after being empowered socio economically they will be able to meet the basic needs of their siblings. As the elder OVC or vulnerable youth and woman heads of households will be sensitized on the principle of “the best interest for child” they will make sure that their siblings are just doing certain kinds of child work which don’t disturb education or health. But also the improved social economic situation for the households will limit the number of siblings leaving rural community of Rulindo district to seek the job in Kigali city, where they are engaged in child labour.