As a women-led organisation, Bamporeze is focused on promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. Women empowerment involves the autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and health status across the board, it is essential for the attainment of the  sustainable development.

Bamporeze has embraced the Self Help Group approach (SHGA), a right based approach which views poverty as the prime denial of rights and poverty alleviation as a process of reclaiming one’s rights. This approach targets vulnerable women, poorest of the poor women in the communities, as it puts equal emphasis on the goals of economic, social and political empowerment.


Economic Empowerment

  • More than 8,000 vulnerable women in remote communities across the country have received capacity building on financial literacy and they are consistently practicing saving.
  • More than 6,500 women in rural communities of Nyabihu, Rulindo and Gakenke have been equipped with entrepreneurship skills and have started their own small businesses.
  • As part of community based training, more than 300 have been trained on various vocational trainings and have received startup kits which has facilitated them to apply the acquired skills and earn a decent living.

Social transformation

  • More than 10,000 women have been sensitised on women’s right and have been introduced to gender equality concept.
  • Self-Help Group approach has instilled the culture of socialising, sharing personal or community concerns and burdens to each other in order to collectively come up with possible solutions.
  • More importantly, helping one another in times of needs has become central for beneficiaries of the SGHA

Political Empowerment

  • Women benefiting from the SHGA have gained the self-esteem and are now involved in the decision making influential to the progress of their households.
  • From the SHGA, Women have acquired the leadership skills which propel them to obtain influential leadership roles in their communities.