Overall program expected impact
Children are healthy, skilled, protected and participate actively in the community development.
Project’s Outcomes
1. Sustainable People Institutions are actively involved in community development and serving children;
2. Child rights are realized;
Households and Youth livelihood is improved.

Project key strategic domains and Activities
1. Community empowerment:
• Establishing People institutions (SHGs and CLAs) at community level
• Strengthening the capacity of People institutions to serve children
• Facilitating people institutions for establishing linkages with other community development partners for increased access to services
• Managing Family ambassador sponsorship
• Creation of child friendly space for participation in their development through Children Groups
• Strengthening the capacity of children for participation
• Strengthening child protection system at community level

2. ECD & Basic Education:
• Training parents in child parenting and nutrition
• Increasing children access to ECD, Play & WASH facilities
• Facilitating integration of health and nutrition services into ECD
• Strengthening the capacity of ECD instructors
• Strengthening the capacity of teachers in Basic Education for inclusive and quality education
• Sensitizing parents on inclusive education
• Strengthening PTAs committees to play effectively their roles

3. Sustainable livelihood:
• Training farmers in modern small livestock and organic farming
• Supporting Farmers for increased access to agriculture inputs
• Training youth in AVET, life and business skills
• Supporting youth groups for increased access to assets/capital and markets

Project Achievements
Community empowerment
• 120 SHGs formed and strengthened
• 2,395 households of SHG’s members reached
• Rwf 15,945,300 saved by 120 SHGs
• Rwf 49,430,600 of cumulative loans given out to SHGs’ members
• 11 CLAs formed and strengthened
ECD& Basic Education:
• 10 ECD classrooms newly constructed,
• 1 ECD classroom rehabilitated
• 2 ECD supported to make the physical environment more stimulating for children;
• 22 care takers from partner ECD facilitated for exposure visit to Teach Rwanda ECD in Muhanga District
• 22 care takers trained on child development, engaging curriculum themes, learning environment and modern teaching strategies in collaboration with Teach Rwanda.
• 40 Members of 8 ECD management committees trained on ECD management
• 1 Community based ECD supported for rabbit farming to serve not only as teaching aids but also to support parents to raise income for paying the care taker and integrate nutrition.
• 72 parents of children trained on child parenting including reading, numeracy and child nutrition and one school were supported to construct volleyball playground.
• 4 primary schools were provided with teaching aids,
• 32 primary teachers trained on school record keeping and reporting
• 39 PTA members were trained on monitoring on school performance, school management, use of quality score cards and Child’s rights.
• 198 children were supported with ECD materials (bags, exercise books, pens.
• 139 illiterate adults were trained on functional literacy in collaboration with ADEPR.
Sustainable livelihood:
• 2195 members of SHGs trained on modern techniques of rabbit and chicken farming;
• 8 youths groups formed
• 2 youth groups supported with 100 laying hens to raise income from selling eggs for their savings.
• 2 youth groups facilitated for linkages with agro-dealers, local authorities and MFIs for inputs supply and access to increased capital/assets.
• 210 youths (59 females and 151 males) enrolled in rural TVET
• 197 youths (48 Females and 149 males) graduated from rural TVET of whom 95 in construction; 18 in tailoring; 12 in hair dressing; 10 in hair cutting; 27 in plumbing and Electricity; 5 in bicycle repair; 6 in welding; 10 in carpentry and 14 in computer literacy and maintenance.
• 110 graduates got jobs
• 36 graduates formed their own businesses.
• 264 Family Ambassadors were facilitated for communication with their sponsors through family progress reports, letter writing and Christmas cards.