Nyabihu Child Focused Community Development Project

Overall program expected impact

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Project’s Outcomes

1. To build sustainable People Institutions to support the community development and serve children.
2. To support the realization of Child Rights through Nyabihu Child Focused Community Development and Linkages
3. To support the community for establishment of Basic infrastructures and services.

Project key strategic domains and Activities

• Establishment of sustainable People’s Institutions to support the community development and serve children.
1. Conduct community awareness rising sessions for local leaders at village and cell levels on SHGA in Karago, Kintobo, Rambura, Rugera and Rurembo sectors.
2. Facilitate the formation of 220 new SHGs, 23 CLAs and 1 Federation
3. Facilitate institutional and need based training for members of 283 SHGs, 28 CLAs and 1 Federation
4. Facilitate exchange visits and experience sharing sessions between new/weak and old / strong CLAs
5. Introduce the concept of children groups and Youth Groups to mature CLAs
6. Facilitate the formation of 1 Federation
7. Strengthening the capacity of 1 Federation
8. Facilitating program and administrative role transfer from Bamporeze to CLAs and Federation before the project phase out.

Supporting the establishment of Basic infrastructures and services

1. Conduct a rapid NCFCDP baseline survey
2. Conduct community awareness rising sessions for members of PIs on child ambassador sponsorship model;
3. Identification and processing ID sheets for 450 child ambassadors
4. Facilitating CLAs to establish linkages with other development stakeholders for increased access to services and support on need basis;
5. Provide training and mentoring to CLAs for implementing CBT
6. Facilitate CLAs for addressing community development priorities through NCFCDP
7. Process children reports annually and maintaining sponsorship files and annual children’s lists
8. Facilitate project staff to attend monthly monitoring and coordination meeting at Head quarter office
9. Facilitate quarterly field supervision visits from Head Office to Nyabihu District.
10. Facilitate Annual project review and meetings of Project Steering Committee
11. Facilitate annually consolidated financial audit of Bamporeze’s accounts
12. Facilitate mid-term project review
13. Facilitate Final project evaluation by an independent consultant

The Support the realization of Child Rights

1. Conduct awareness rising sessions for members of SHGs on NCFCDP and child rights approach
2. Awareness rising sessions for members of PIs on early childhood care Development, quality and inclusive education
3. Training teachers on inclusive education, child rights and alternative discipline to corporal punishment
4. Training teachers on Active Learning and Learner-centered teaching Methods
5. Facilitate mentoring visits and experience sharing sessions for teachers on Active Learning and Learner-centered teaching methods
6. Training PTC members on their roles and responsibilities
7. Training PTC members on the use Community/Parents involvement and Quality School score cards in monitoring quality education and planning for improvement
8. Facilitate mentoring visits and experience sharing sessions for members of PTCs on monitoring of quality education using Community/Parents involvement and Quality school score cards
9. Training members of PIs on organic farming and modern farming techniques for increasing food production
10. Training members of PIs doing business
11. Facilitate joint sessions of SHG’s members and their partners to build an effective relationship and learn together how to properly manage household income
12. Conduct awareness rise for members of existing community structures (Friends of the Family, SGBV committees and community-based mediators) and service providers including teachers/care takers on different form of child abuses;
13. Encourage members of PIs to link with existing community structures and service providers for ensuring community child safety net.

Project Achievements

• 259 SHGs formed and strengthened
• 20 Cluster Level Associations formed and strengthened
• 1 Federation formed and strengthened
• 46 Children Groups formed gathering 1150 children
• 15 Youth Groups formed gathering 257 youth
• 4,897 Vulnerable Households with 13,482 children under 18 years old reached by the project
• 197 youth graduated in Community Based Training
• 4 ECCE classrooms constructed
• Rwf 130,781,420 cumulatively saved by 259 SHGs’ members
• Rwf 481,876,375 of cumulative loans given out to SHGs’ members
• 97.0% of children from SHG members’ households having at least two meals a day
• 95.7% of children from SHG members’ households attending regularly school
• 71.7% of children aged 3-6 years from SHG members’ households attending kindergarten
• 4,006 women involved in doing business.