Early childhood development (ECD) refers to a comprehensive approach to policies and programmes for children from birth to nine years of age with the active participation of their parents and caregivers. Its purpose is to protect the child’s rights to develop his or her full cognitive, emotional, social and physical potential. According to the Rwanda Education policy, ECD is primarily the responsibility of parents. Parents are the owner of Early Childhood Development Centres. Bamporeze through the integrated child centered community development program in Rulindo District supports parents for construction and equipment of ECD classrooms.
Since 2011, Bamporeze has mobilized parents on early childhood development for their participation in ECD classrooms construction through communal work common known as “umuganda”. Parents and local authorities availed land for ECD classrooms construction, transported stones, made bricks and provided manpower for excavation works. Bamporeze provided construction materials that are not locally available or not affordable such as sand, cement bags, iron sheets, windows, doors, classrooms equipments and toys. Thanks to that collaboration four classrooms for ECD have been constructed in Ngoma and Cyinzuzi sector. As result, the number of children enrolled in pre-primary has doubled at Yanze Primary school as revailed by the head of Yanze Primary school.
The head of Yanze Primary School revailed that since the construction of the two classrooms of ECD the number of children enrolled in pre-primary school has doubled and the PTA has been obliged to hire the second instructor. The case of Yanze ECD is the successful one. It has shown that parents are becoming aware of the importance of early childhood development. Bamporeze has supported also parents in Cyinzuzi sector for construction of 2 classrooms of ECD near GS Remera. In 2014, Bamporeze plans to construct three additional community based ECD classrooms in Gisiza village of Shyorongi sector, Musenyi village of Cyinzuzi sector and Rukoma village in Ngoma sector. These ECD classrooms and 4 primary classrooms constructed at Yanze and GS Gaseke are the results of community ambassadors’ efforts in Cyinzuzi, Ngoma and Shyorongi sectors that supported Bamporeze in fundraising through Family Ambassador Sponsorship model